Designed for kids
of all ages


More than just

a club

Hello, my name is MK and I’m the founder of Anthro Kid Club. Thats me and my youngest over there exploring Germany, one of my favorite places in the entire world!

Throughout my life, I have had the immense privilege to both live in and explore many other countries. But when I became a new mom, I thought my curiosity about this big wide world would have to be put on pause. Boy was I wrong! In actuality, learning with my children is way more exciting! I love that kids are just at the beginning of discovery and growth, and we, as adults, get the important job of teaching them and training them up to be big-hearted humans! Every encounter, whether it’s direct or indirect, helps to shape a child’s worldview. My hope with Anthro Kid Club is that together, all of us (parents included) will grow in empathy, understanding, and intrigue as we reach beyond our neighborhoods and get a glimpse into how others live their daily lives!

Read more about my story here.


A Hands-on Approach

Living in Nashville, we already have an abundance of culture in our city—from those birthed here in Tennessee to those transplanted from across the seas. Whether we learn from the locals or reach further around the globe, there will always be something new and exciting to discover, like learning how Norwegian Skolebrød is made, exploring where a Japanese child might go for a holiday break, tasting the yummy treats a young child from Kenya might enjoy on special occasions or discovering the type of fish Melanesian kiddos might help catch to contribute to their village meal. 

Monthly Club Event

Learning about people groups and cultures is much like approaching a playhouse. You can look at it straight on and see a nice little house with a door and window, but when you choose to walk around it, you find there is a slide and a sandbox and some other fun ways to play. A new perspective of the playhouse changes your perception of fun just as learning about other cultures changes your perception of people, but also God! Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created us in His image, so as we learn about different communities and ways of life, we also begin to see different attributes of God reflected in his creation!

As a ministry with Gateway Church in Franklin, TN, our club meets one Thursday night each month in the Kids’ Auditorium! Join us!

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