frequently asked questions


What takes place at club Events?

Each club event may look a little different. That's on purpose. My hope is that each club event will offer a fun and unique experience, just like the cultures we will learn about! You can find specific details for each upcoming meeting here.

Can my child come if we do not attend Gateway Church?

Absolutely, all are welcome!

Why do I need to Sign My child up for each Event?

By signing your child up and RSVPing for each individual event, we can better serve your child. This allows us to have adequate supplies for all kids and ensures that we have time to accommodate any dietary restrictions as best we can. You can sign up here.

Is there an age limit?

You are never too young or too old to learn! All are welcome, but we do ask that children 4 and under have an adult assisting them throughout the club event. The majority of our activities are designed with elementary aged (Age 5-13) children in mind, however its fun for the whole family!

Is this for Parents too?

Absolutely, we invite parents/designated-guardian of children attending to stay for each club event. You are welcome to sit with your child or tune in from the back!

We love to see the whole family learning together! Plus, we even offer ideas on our blog for further discovery!

Have a question we didn’t answer?

Just as we make it our goal to inspire the kiddos to ask good questions, we hope you will to! Ask away Here!