Anthro Kid Library: This is Our World


A simple way to introduce kids to other cultures is through books. Its incredible how many beautiful books are out there that are both educating and engaging. If you need a good book recommendation, you have come to the right place. Each book I choose to share on the Anthro Kid Club blog is one you would find in my own home, being read by my own family.

This month, and for the first time ever on the blog might I add, I want to tell you about “This is our World” by Tracy Turner and illustrated by Asa Gilland.


Let me begin by saying that before I even dove into the written content of this book, I was quite taken with the illustrations that are full of vibrant color and detail. But thats only one of the many reasons I love this book. With each turn of the page, one of twenty places around the globe is explored through fun facts, native animals and a short excerpt about a child that lives there.


Tracy Turner does such a fantastic job of making these mini cultural stories accessible and relatable to kids, and who am I kidding, adults too. Even as I read the book the my kids, I imagined living there and seeing the surroundings through the lens of a local. For weeks after purchasing this book, my oldest would bring me the book and say, “Lets travel to ____.” and point to a place on the map found in the front of the book. It became a little game that of course warmed my heart and led me to immediatly take a mental note to be sure and share this book right away on the blog!

Where to Buy/Borrow:
This book can be purchased locally here.
You can also check it out from the Nashville Public Library here.
This book can be purchased through multiple online here.
And soon, you can check it out from our Anthro Kid Club Sharing Library too!




Let the adventure begin…